Research + Evaluation + Empathy

Masters of Doom & Gloom

When crisis strikes, we step up

Our experience is almost unbelievable. We've led challenging, lengthy and dynamic crises all across Canada, with widely-respected responses to some of the nation's largest disasters and working from mitigation to recovery. 

The experience on our team includes hurricanes, H1N1 and wildfires in Nova Scotia, floods and wildfires in Alberta, floods and wildfires in most of British Columbia’s record seasons, international airlines, energy, Business Continuity Planning (BCP) for large corporations, and COVID-19 in both health care and post-secondary education. 

get ready

How we help

We want you to be prepared for issues, crises and emergencies.
Our solutions are so good, our clients are sad they don't need us as often. 
If you need help responding or recovering, we have even more expertise to help you. 
Our team has supported some of the largest
evacuations, re-entries, and structure, agriculture and land loss events in Canada. 

We don't always do PR under intense pressure.
If you're looking for happy public relations, like Ryan Reynolds whispering reasons he doesn't like
Hugh Jackman into the ears of an easily influenced audience of Deadpool fans,
we can't quite do that. Let's be realistic. We will bring life to your project and we'll save some budget for a Wolverine cutout (it's a Ryan Reynolds trap, shhh) while also impressing your Uncle, Buck.  Wow, right? That's our way of saying we can help with almost everything public relations, just ask. 



We've led large and complex projects to understand communities through public participation (IAP2) processes. Our team can design, deploy and analyze your next public engagement - whether to a group of staff or the population of an entire region. 


Training & Learning

We can build training programs and deliver them. These include keynotes and presentations disaster communications, media spokesperson, and training to support programs we create such as business continuity. 



We are masters at planning as we can do it in the middle of a disaster while also managing the response. Our plans are resilient, surviving years of rigorous use. We develop public education campaigns, business continuity and crisis communications plans, recovery communications plans and whatever plan you need to engage, educate or evaluate.



There's a secret hidden here. If we evaluate your programs and together we apply what we learn, you will almost always get better results. Your boss, team and stakeholders will all be happier too. Let's get started by helping to evaluate your program. 

Kamloops, Thompson Nicola and the Cariboo
Introducing Footage Fridays!

We have video and audio equipment, and we want to get more practice by capturing video, photos and audio for you.

Every Friday at 1:00 p.m. PT, we will release our limited deals for the week exclusively for subscribers of our Newsletter | LinkedIn | YouTube

Footage Fridays

Our accreditations, podcasts, publications and memberships

Member: Canadian Public Relations Society, Kamloops & District Chamber of Commerce, IAP2 Canada, and BC Association of Emergency Managers

Podcasts: Wildfires, Floods and Chaos Communications Podcast 
- see more under Resources

Publications: The Communications Golden Hour Book (guest contributor)

Two of our team members are Accredited in Public Relations (APR)

Member of the Canadian Public Relations SocietyMember of the Kamloops Chamber of CommerceMember of IAP2 CanadaWildfires, Floods and Chaos Communications PodcastGuest contributor to The Communications Golden HourAccredited in Public Relations